Feel free to browse and research our website. By clicking on a book's cover, you will be taken to a detailed product page. As you decide on books to purchase, simply click the ‘Add to Cart’ button on that detail screen, next to the product shown. This will add that specific book to your shopping cart and show you the list of books and quantities already in your cart. All prices are in US dollars.
You will have the opportunity to order 1 or more of each title, as well as multiples titles in one order. As you proceed, you may review the books you are purchasing at any time by clicking the ‘View Cart’ button . This will allow you to see what is in your cart, and also adjust quantities per book and delete any titles from the order. When you are ready to order, follow the prompts from the Shopping Cart to find a number of payment options available to you.
First time users will be asked to create a unique user ID and password. This will act as your unique account ID with Impact, and will allow you to check the status of an order, track its process, and more.
Privacy & Safety
Our website runs on an up-to-date, e-commerce platform, where the checkout process is secured by HTTPS / TLS encryption. TLS (Transport Layer Security) is the standard security technology that ensures that data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and secure. TLS is the industry standard and is used by millions of websites in the protection of their online transactions with their customers.
We collect information volunteered by the customer, such as addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. If you wish to receive emails and/or periodic mailings from us, please let us know through our SUBSCRIBE button.
Persons who supply us with their telephone numbers online will only receive telephone contact from us with information or questions regarding orders they have placed.
We do not share phone numbers with any other organizations.
We are always available for comments or suggestions. If you have any concerns, please contact us and we will be happy to address your issues. Our office hours are Monday-Friday 9:30am - 4pm CST
Payment Methods
- ONLINE: Credit / Debit Cards Accepted (VISA, MC, DISC), PAYPAL
- OFFLINE: Payments with Check / Money Order - please call us to place your order