The Gifts of the Holy Spirit (VOLUME 6, mp3)
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Volume 6
Part 6 of Bill Banks' six part audio teaching series on the Gifts of the Spirit.
"Now about spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant." 1 Cor. 12:1
First Corinthians 12 outlines for us the nine gifts of the Spirit. These gifts can be divided into three parts:
The Revelatory Gifts - Knowledge, Wisdom, Discernment
The Power Gifts - Faith, Healing, Miraculous Works
The Spoken Gifts - Prophecy, Tongues, Interpretation
In this 6 part teaching on the Holy Spirit, Bill Banks explains why these nine gifts are set apart by Paul as the greater gifts. He describes why these gifts are to be earnestly sought after and, if need be, stirred up. He also presents numerous examples and testimonies of these gifts in action.
This series concludes with a teaching on provoked and unprovoked spirits. A provoked spirit blocks God out of a situation, whereas an unprovoked spirit a loving, forgiving, righteous spirit - invites God in. It is through an unprovoked spirit that the gifts of the Spirit can manifest.
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