Healing is for Today! (VOLUME 3, mp3)
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Volume 3: Is Healing for Everyone?
Part 3 of Bill Banks' 14 part audio teaching series on the reality of the Healing ministry of Jesus for today.
With six different terminal conditions, and numerous malignant tumors, Bill Banks faced death, with only 48 hours to live. Then, Jesus miraculously healed him.
In this 14 part teaching on the healing ministry, Bill Banks provides details on such topics as:
An Introduction to the Healing Ministry
Overcoming Blocks to Healing
Is Healing for Everyone?
What If Healing Hasn't Happened?
Healing Is for the Body
Conditions for Answered Prayer
3 Kinds of Faith for Healing
Healing is Children's Bread
The Perseverance of Daniel
Hast Thou Considered Job? I & II
How to Minister to the Sick
Divine Healing & Health
Ways to Receive Healing
Much needed truths can be gleaned from his rich insights and down-to-earth teaching on the subject of divine healing.
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