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COMPACT DISC SERIES: The Precious Blood of Jesus

COMPACT DISC SERIES: The Precious Blood of Jesus

COMPACT DISC SERIES (2 CDs): "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony" Rev. 12:11

From the doorposts of the Hebrews in Egypt on the night of Passover, to the cross of Jesus Christ, Gods relationship with mankind has always been tied to blood. This is especially true of believers and the Church in these last days

In this 2 part teaching, Bill Banks emphasizes the power of the blood of Jesus, as revealed in the old and new covenants. He explains what it means to apply the blood today, and what benefits are to be had from faith in the blood of Gods one and only Son.
  • CD
  • 9780892_BBBLOOD
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